Emerging Images
As waves run across sand, they reveal the millions of possible forms within. Patterns ripple like wood grain within red cedar, transforming perpetually. The surface of this universe is infinitely thin.
Haida culture emerged from this fine edge, this single moment cut as sea, land, and sky sharpen one another infinitely. As you gaze into these waters and contemplate the origins of Haida philosophy, the foundational principles of Haida formline may emerge. These images arise from the natural laws of our universe: the passing of surfaces across one another; perpetual sharpening and transformation.
Look about you, and consider that this same image is imprinted in all things. The chattering of Black turnstones; thrushes' songs interweaving distantly; soft rush of Ravens' wings - all sounds are imprints of waves pouring across air.
Balanced on this moment’s edge, look about you, listen, and contemplate: this infinitely thin boundary; the forms of all things in our cosmos; our universe in constant rearrangement; Yaahl |•
Carry this image within you. Then, when Haida formline holds you, it its waves suspended in perfect balance, you may find that you have also transformed.