Discover Our Northern Archipelago
And Encounter OUR Living Culture.
Our Ancient Lands Reveal Infinite Years of History.
Since time immemorial Xaayda Gwaay.yaay Haida Gwaii has enchanted and inspired; forever imprinting a transformative connection between land and self. We invite you to discover our ancient rainforests, mystical wilderness, treasured heritage sites and living Haida culture.
The People of Haida Gwaii
Encounter Our Living Culture.
Guardians of the LANDS AND SEAS.
Haida families, culture, and art have flourished Here since time immemorial.
Historically and still today, Haida citizens are fortunate and wealthy. The land and waters surrounding Haida Gwaii offer sustenance and prosperity. Trade relationships with neighbouring Indigenous communities were critical to survival and continue to be an important part of life among coastal nations. Traditionally, prosperity and status were not measured by the accumulation of goods, but rather by the distribution of wealth. Throughout the harvesting season, families worked together to gather food and goods. During the scarce winter months, Haida families would host potlatches to redistribute their wealth. This generosity and sharing remains a prominent part of life on Haida Gwaii.
Giving Back the Name with Respect.
THE ISLANDS OF THE PEOPLE: Haida translates to “people” and Gwaii means “Islands”.
In the 18th century, early explorers started to call Haida Gwaii the “Queen Charlotte Islands.” In 2010, Islanders, local governments, and the provincial government joined in a ceremony as the Haida Nation returned the colonial name “Queen Charlotte Islands” and reinstated the traditional name, Haida Gwaii.